> 文章列表 > 庆祝元宵的英语怎么写



中译英>>> 元宵灯会译成英文

The translation of \"元宵灯会\" into English is \"Lantern Festival\".


To express \"祝大家元宵快乐\" in English, you can say \"Happy Lantern Festival to you!\" or \"Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival!\"


RT. Thanks a lot! Wishing you a happy Lantern Festival! Ha ha.


In English, \"元宵\" is translated as \"rice glue ball\" or \"glue pudding\". \"元宵节\" is translated as \"the Lantern Festival\". So, \"豆沙馅元宵\" can be translated as \"Glutinous Rice Ball With Red Bean Paste\".


元宵节相关习俗的英文说法是: In the lunar month of January, which is also known as \"元月\" in Chinese, the fifteenth day is called \"元宵节\". It is the first full moon night of the year and signifies new beginnings and the rejuvenation of nature.


元宵节是中国最受欢迎的传统节日之一,标志着为期15天的春节庆祝活动的结束。元宵节的特色包括甜甜的汤圆和欣赏有趣的灯谜等活动。英文中将其称为\"Lantern Festival\"。


The translation of 春节 is \"The Spring Festival\". 元宵节 in English is \"The Lantern Festival\". The Dragon Boat Festival is called \"端午节\" in Chinese, and 中秋节 is translated as \"The Mid-Autumn Festival\".


The English translation of \"在中国,你们怎么庆祝元宵节?\" is \"How do you celebrate the Lantern Festival in China?\". The response can be \"亲:每天都开心V_V!thanks(thx)!\" which means \"Dear: Be happy every day! Thanks!\".


The English translation of \"元宵节是中国的一个传统节日,在农历的新年第一个月...\" is \"Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated in the first month of the Lunar New Year.\"