> 文章列表 > 春节的快递都到齐了吗英语




In English, you can say \"Your package has arrived!\" or \"Your delivery is here!\" to convey the message of \"你的快递到了\". These phrases can be used to inform someone that their package or delivery has been successfully delivered and is ready for pick up or drop off.






口语中,\"收到\"的英文可以拼写为 \"Received\"。例如,\"我收到了全盘收购公司的口头承诺。\"可以翻译为 \"I received a verbal offer to buy the company lock, stock, and barrel.\" 这种用法在商务交流中非常常见,表示接受到某种通知、消息或物品。


Hello, thank you for your purchase! We will provide you with an EU adapter as per your request. However, please note that China is currently celebrating the Spring Festival, and most courier companies are on holiday. This means that there might be a delay in the delivery of your package. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and assure you that we will resume our services promptly after the holiday. Thank you for your understanding and patience!

pack package packet三个单词用法有什么区别?_沪江网校知识库


  • Pack: \"Pack\" 一词通常用作动词,表示把物品或物体放入包裹或容器中。例如,\"I need to pack my clothes for the trip.\"(我需要为旅行整理我的衣服。)在这个例句中,“pack”表示将衣物放入行李中。
  • Package: \"Package\" 可以用作名词和动词。作为名词时,它表示包裹或包裹中的物品。例如,\"I received a package from my friend.\"(我收到了一个朋友寄来的包裹。)作为动词时,它表示把物品打包或装入包裹中。例如,\"Please package the items securely before shipping.\"(请在发货前将物品包装好。)
  • Packet: \"Packet\" 通常作为名词使用,表示小包或小袋。它一般用于指小型物品的包装,比如小袋的糖或茶叶包。例如,\"I bought a packet of cookies from the store.\"(我在商店买了一包饼干。)

总结起来,\"pack\" 主要表示将物品放入容器,\"package\" 可以表示包裹或打包物品,而 \"packet\" 则强调小包或小袋的概念。


To send a package or parcel, you can use the phrase \"Send an express delivery\" or simply \"Send a package.\" These phrases convey the action of sending a parcel or package using a delivery service. You can also specify the type of delivery service you prefer, such as \"Send it by express mail\" or \"Send it using a courier service.\"

中国邮政用英语怎么说 - 嘻嘻嘻嘻哈 的回答 - 懂得

The English translation for 中国邮政 is \"China Post.\" China Post provides postal services throughout China and is responsible for mail delivery and logistics operations. When referring to the postal services in China, \"China Post\" is the commonly used term in English.


外卖员和快递员用英语分别可以用 \"Delivery driver\" 和 \"Courier\" 来表示。\"Delivery driver\" 用于指送外卖的人,通常他们驾驶着摩托车或脚踏车进行送餐服务。而 \"Courier\" 则是指快递员,他们负责将包裹或信件送到指定的地址。


The English translation for \"邮递\" is \"post,\" and the translation for \"快递\" is \"express.\" In English, \"post\" refers to the traditional mail system operated by postal services, while \"express\" refers to a faster and more efficient delivery service. So, \"邮递\" can be translated as \"post,\" and \"快递\" can be translated as \"express.\"